Delivery Panel Power Hour

An hour to pick the brains of our delivery experts

Duration: 1 Hour

Hosts: SendGrid Deliverability Experts and Kate Schmeisser

Chances are, you already know that getting your email delivered to the inbox is a far trickier process than just hitting “send.” The good news is, we’ve rounded up SendGrid’s Delivery Consulting Team for an hour to answer real questions from SendGrid customers. 

Benefit from questions like: 

  • “What’s the difference between IP and domain reputation?” 
  • “How do I whitelabel my account?”
  • “In your opinion, what’s the easiest thing I can do to improve my deliverability?”
  • And more!

    Presenter Information

    SendGrid Deliverability Experts

    The Delivery Consulting Team (consisting of Kurt Diver, Luke Martinez, Jacob Hansen, and Seth Charles) works with our high volume customers to analyze their email program and optimize their sending practices and deliverability. After work the team likes to hang out, grab a beer, and listen to Wilson Phillips together.

    Kate Schmeisser

    When Kate isn't trying to teach herself the ukelele, make it through the mountain of books on her nightstand, or figure out if they are actually being serious about suggested serving sizes on ice cream, she is the Content Marketing Associate.